A.O. Taiwo(1), R. T. Adeniyi(2), O. A. Adebayo(3), I.E. Ajiboye(4),

(1) Oyo state college of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Oyo State.
(2) Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State.
(3) Oyo state college of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Oyo State.
(4) Oyo state college of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, Oyo State.
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Information is a crucial resource that is needed for sustainable production among cassava farmers. This study was carried out in Ibarapa Communities of Oyo state. A two-stage sampling procedure was used to select 120 respondents. Data on respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics, sources of information, level of awareness on cassava production technologies, perception on the effect of lack of information and information needs of respondents were collected, using interview schedule. Data were analysed with descriptive (percentages, mean and weighted mean score) and inferential (Chi–square and PPMC) statistics at α0.05. Results shows that most of the respondents were male (55.8%) and educated (86.7%). The respondents’ mean age, farming experience, farm size and household size were 45.36years, 23.13years, 2.76 hectares and 5.76 persons respectively. The respondents mostly sought information from fellow farmers (WMS=1.61) and farmers association (WMS=1.57), while the mostly aware cassava technology was recommended time (100%) follow by land preparation (98.3%). However, the respondents’ perceptions towards the lack of information were poor marketing of agricultural produce (80%) and poor bank savings (76.7%) respectively. The respondents’ information needs were on land preparation methods (WMS=2.46) and control of weeds (WMS=2.39) respectively. Significant relationship existed between respondents’ information need and sex (χ2=12.03 p=0.001), religion (χ2=45.15, p=0.000), level of education (χ2=19.26, p=0.000), age (r=0.19, p=0.02), and farm size (r= r=0.20, p=0.03). The study concludes that literacy level, scope of production and age are favourable characteristics needed for seeking information in the study area.     


Information needs, Cassava production Technologies, Poor Marketing

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