Temitope Ayantayo(1), Opeyemi Idowu Aluko(2),

(1) Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State Nigeria
(2) Political Science Department, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State Nigeria
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Good governance is a function of all humans to coalesce for the development of their society. It is not the function of a set of people in the society, more of a group or sex differentiation or the other. Therefore to secure good governance acceptable in the country, the genders must be secure so as to incur optimum performance in the governance processes and politics. Active politics which is the contest for a political office gives an individual the chance to be a core policy maker in a political system.  It is observed that there is more concentration of the male gender in active politics which makes them more vocal in government actions and decision making process. In their little contribution to politics, female have made governance more developed to a significant extent in some climes. But female are yet less prominent, but feature as subordinate to their male counterpart in other climes. Therefore this study seeks to know whether it is the ‘dangerous’ nature of politics in developing democracies makes women to be fewer in political contests or the involvement of women makes politics to be less dangerous or due to the less dangerous effects of politics, women are now involving in it? This study scope is the sub-Saharan Africa-with respect to Nigeria. The methodology of qualitative reflective analysis is utilised. Rational Choice theory is use to justify the assertions of gender security and involvement in politics for good governance.


Decision Making; Democracy; Development; Gender and Politics

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